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Lake Jocassee
The lake has 7,500 acres of deep water and 75 miles of shoreline. The lake, named...
Oconee County Parks, Recreation & Tourism
Oconee' is a Cherokee word meaning 'land beside the water' and water is in no short supply. With...
Lake Keowee
Keowee, meaning "Place of the Mulberries," was visited by Spanish explorer...
Anderson, Oconee and Pickens
Lake Hartwell
One of the Southeast's largest and most popular public recreation lakes, Lake Hartwell was...
Fair Play
Lake Hartwell Recreation area
Lake Hartwell State Park is a park focused on fishing. The 56,000-acre Lake Hartwell...
Jones Gap State Park/Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area
The 3,346-acre park is located in the 11,000-acre Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area. The park...
Mountain Rest
Oconee State Park Cabins
Oconee State Park offers the joys of a mountain retreat without the work. The historic...
Mountain Rest
Oconee State Park
The historic park rests deep in the Blue Ridge foothills, with several picturesque but...
Mountain Rest
Sumter National Forest-Andrew Pickens Ranger District
Named for a Revolutionary War General, the Andrew Pickens Ranger District boasts scenic views,...
Table Rock State Park
Fourteen rustic cabins, fully furnished including linens, cooking/eating utensils, microwave,...
Jocassee Outdoor Center C/O The Ascenda Group
We're your one-stop destination for boating, fishing, lake and outdoor activities on...
High Falls County Park
The 44-acre park is nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and offers camping,...
Keowee-Toxaway State Park
The park features a rental cabin with a porch overlooking Lake Keowee and a courtesy dock....
Chau Ram County Park
The park is located at the confluence of the Chauga and Ramsay Creek. Visitors can enjoy...